Copenhagen Cruise Port Map

There are four locations where cruises ships can dock in Copenhagen: Nordre Tlbof, Langelinie, Freeport and Nordhavn:
Nordre Toldbod  (quay 177)
Approximately 225m of quay 

Langelinie (quay 190)
Approximately 710m of quay, with space for from two to four ships.

Orientkaj (quay 252/254) Approximately 525m 
Levantkaj (quay 266) Approximately 400m of quay

Ocean Quay (quay 330/334)
Oceankaj approximately 1.100m of quay, with state-of-the-art terminals. 

Distance to / from Kongens Nytorv 
Oceankaj 7 km 
Copenhagen Freeport 5 km
Langelinie 3 km
Nordre Toldbod 2 km

Distance to / from Tivoli and Central Station
Oceankaj 8 km 
Copenhagen Freeport 6 km 
Langelinie 6 km 
Nordre Toldbod 4 km

Distance to / from  Copenhagen Airport
Oceankaj 16 km 
Copenhagen Freeport 14 km 
Langelinie 12 km 
Nordre Toldbod 11 km